Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Poster Project

The FINAL project of the semester was to create a poster a tour poster for our favorite band. I chose Paramore and instantly had an idea of how I wanted it to look. Unfortunately, my ideas were all being done in Illustrator and this project was supposed to be done in Photoshop. I have not had much experience with Photoshop at all and was so worried about how to translate my idea to the computer. Thankfully, it wasn't as difficult as I thought. The challenge was that in picking an album for to represent but with out using their album artwork or any photos of the artists themselves. I think that this was my favorite project overall because I had free reign of the layout and design and complete concept how what I wanted this poster to be.

I chose Paramore's sophomore album, Riot! I love this cd and the idea of doing something alot more risque compared to my previous work. I was completely stuck on how to create a montage or college and just began layering photos all over the page until I found the photo of the smoke in the sky. After finding this photo, the concept seemed to fall in place. It is very dark and bold, but my favorite part of the poster is the group of exclamation points who represent protesters and on their picket signs are a few of the most popular songs from the album. I thought that with the poster being so serious, it gave a nice moment of quarkiness, which is certainly part of the band's persona. I like the two guys sort of going up against each other with an actual riot scene. Overall, I am very proud of the final product!

Final Calendar Project

So I did not stray to far from my first idea. I thought the cover was very elegant but fun and really enjoyed the brush on the treble clef symbol. As for the rest of the calendar, I really wanted to incorporate the number of beats for each numeral. I tried using two colors and fell in love with the two-tone look. It also gave me a way to differentiate the half note,the lighter notes, from the quarter notes. After taking type 1 and type 2, I realized that I like to keep things simple. I want my work to breath and it makes it difficult when you want to show depth in a project but I think the simplicity of this calendar is very nice and fun for anyone who enjoys music. I've been working really hard to move away from more corporate styles and I think that I definitely did here!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Desk Calendar Front Cover Idea

This is the idea that I have so far for the front of the desk calendar that I am creating for the final project.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Calendar Quiz

Here is my first shot at making a calendar page!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Final Newsletter Project

This is my final solution for the FASHION NOW newsletter. I really enjoyed working on this project because of how different my final solution was to the first draft that I created. It was full of brighter and bolder colors such as blues and bright greens and reds. However, it looked very crowed and decided to try a few softer colors. It turned out that all of those bright colors next to one another made the layout look crowded and did not give it enough room to breath. I think the separation between the text with the single bars or blocks and even having some space with a white background, gave this layout the room it needed. It was very difficult trying to fit all of the text in and was a little disappointed that I could not show off my IPhone as much, but I think that it still came out very nicely. Its playful and interesting and am very happy with the way it turned out!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Newletter Project

For the next project, I am creating a newsletter. The first step is to create a nameplate on the front page. Above are a few ideas that I have come up with for the Fashion Now newsletter.

Monday, September 13, 2010

These are a few of the designs of the logo that I have think were the most successful thus far in the process using the computer. I have settled on very simplistic designs because of the style and colors the cab themselves use.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Logo/Identity Project

For my first project in my Typography 2 class, we have been asked to gather business cards and determine which one is the most in need of a make over. I have chosen to do the American Cab Company, which is owned by a friend. It seems that each driver is responsible for creating their own business cards and from the few that I have collected, they all could use some help. The main target audience is of course those in need of transportation from the airport or anyone who gets in contact using a phone book. The competition for this company is any other cab company in the area, many of which service at the airport as well. This company offers 24 hr service which can be an advantage against other taxi services. Above are a few logo designs created for other taxi services.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

For my poster project, I chose to create a design based off of the typeface, Bodoni. It was created by Giambattista Bodoni in 1798 and was considered very modern for his time. This poster was difficult because I tried to use more complex methods in creating my design but found that they did not stay true to the era in which it was created. The poster came out very simple, but if you ever look back at documents from that time period, I think it stays true to the mood, color, layout of those documents.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Final Project Presentation Info!

For my final project we are creating a poster with the topic being about a specific typeface and I have chosen Bodoni. To look at some background information on the typographer, Giambattista Bodoni, here are some sources to check out!

* Google images to see Bodoni himself and a few samples of his work and the typeface as well.



* You can also check out some good books at the Design Library at NC State for more information!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

So I decided to work on my illustrator animal, which was a sleepy lion, and I wanted to post it to see what you all thought! It was definitely interesting to see what I could figure out on my own, a little frustrating at times, of course, but I think it turned out well!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Show & Tell #3

I saw this and thought it was perfect for our class!

Monday, June 28, 2010

My attempts at dealing with a paragraph of text in a grid!

For this project, we were asked two words from a list given to the class and show what they mean using its characteristics in a visual design. Disruption and elimination were the two word choices that I chose to use and am happy with my choices. I think that the design "elimination" was successful and though it was a very simple turn on the word choice, I think it is a design that draws attention to see if the word has been misspelled and to later see that all "i's" have been eliminated. For the word disruption, I think that there are a few small things that could have been done, differently but overall, I am with this design.

The two images at the top are those of the assignment where we had to take two words that related to one another, even if showing how opposite they are to one another, and show that relationship visually as well. I think I was much more successful with this part of the assignment and that could be because there were two words this time around, but I found it easier to be a bit more creative with these word choices. Seek & Destroy were a popular set and I think that this set was fun to work with because you can clearly see the explosion designed with the word destroy and how subtle seek is until the last repetition. After I finished with this word set and went to move on to the next, I found it difficult to choose another set. Seek & Destroy was easy, in a sense, to design because the message of the words were so clear. However, I came across Outside & Inside and found a way to show the meaning by literally creating a box using the words and then putting one or the other, inside or outside of that box. I think overall, this word set was my favorite to do because it was fun to play around with how to flip the words and actually create the boxes using the words.

Process of Word Project

These are a few versions of either one word visual descriptions of a word or a few versions of two words.