Monday, June 28, 2010

For this project, we were asked two words from a list given to the class and show what they mean using its characteristics in a visual design. Disruption and elimination were the two word choices that I chose to use and am happy with my choices. I think that the design "elimination" was successful and though it was a very simple turn on the word choice, I think it is a design that draws attention to see if the word has been misspelled and to later see that all "i's" have been eliminated. For the word disruption, I think that there are a few small things that could have been done, differently but overall, I am with this design.

The two images at the top are those of the assignment where we had to take two words that related to one another, even if showing how opposite they are to one another, and show that relationship visually as well. I think I was much more successful with this part of the assignment and that could be because there were two words this time around, but I found it easier to be a bit more creative with these word choices. Seek & Destroy were a popular set and I think that this set was fun to work with because you can clearly see the explosion designed with the word destroy and how subtle seek is until the last repetition. After I finished with this word set and went to move on to the next, I found it difficult to choose another set. Seek & Destroy was easy, in a sense, to design because the message of the words were so clear. However, I came across Outside & Inside and found a way to show the meaning by literally creating a box using the words and then putting one or the other, inside or outside of that box. I think overall, this word set was my favorite to do because it was fun to play around with how to flip the words and actually create the boxes using the words.

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